- gmirror ada0 ada1 ada2 のトリプルミラー
- ada1 が故障
- ada1 を入れ替え
- ada1 のパーティション設定
- ada1 の起動コード書き込み
- トリプルミラー再開
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/mirror/p2 / ufs rw 1 1
/dev/mirror/p3 none swap sw 0 0
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status -s
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 COMPLETE ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 COMPLETE ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 COMPLETE ada1p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada1p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 DEGRADED ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart list
Geom name: ada0
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 16
fwsectors: 63
last: 5860533134
first: 34
entries: 128
scheme: GPT
1. Name: ada0p1
Mediasize: 65536 (64K)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: fd22e7d8-f409-11e3-9b6a-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 83bd6b9d-7f41-11dc-be0b-001560b84f0f
label: (null)
length: 65536
offset: 20480
type: freebsd-boot
index: 1
end: 167
start: 40
2. Name: ada0p2
Mediasize: 2996813361152 (2.7T)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: fd2317ba-f409-11e3-9b6a-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 516e7cb6-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
label: (null)
length: 2996813361152
offset: 86016
type: freebsd-ufs
index: 2
end: 5853151263
start: 168
3. Name: ada0p3
Mediasize: 3779517440 (3.5G)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: fd25cafb-f409-11e3-9b6a-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 516e7cb5-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
label: (null)
length: 3779517440
offset: 2996813447168
type: freebsd-swap
index: 3
end: 5860533133
start: 5853151264
1. Name: ada0
Mediasize: 3000592982016 (2.7T)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r3w3e6
Geom name: ada2
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 16
fwsectors: 63
last: 5860533134
first: 34
entries: 128
scheme: GPT
1. Name: ada2p1
Mediasize: 65536 (64K)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: 461f6d0d-f3c7-11e3-a841-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 83bd6b9d-7f41-11dc-be0b-001560b84f0f
label: (null)
length: 65536
offset: 20480
type: freebsd-boot
index: 1
end: 167
start: 40
2. Name: ada2p2
Mediasize: 2996813361152 (2.7T)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: 461fe080-f3c7-11e3-a841-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 516e7cb6-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
label: (null)
length: 2996813361152
offset: 86016
type: freebsd-ufs
index: 2
end: 5853151263
start: 168
3. Name: ada2p3
Mediasize: 3779517440 (3.5G)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r1w1e1
rawuuid: 468c041d-f3c7-11e3-a841-0022cfe54d22
rawtype: 516e7cb5-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
label: (null)
length: 3779517440
offset: 2996813447168
type: freebsd-swap
index: 3
end: 5860533133
start: 5853151264
1. Name: ada2
Mediasize: 3000592982016 (2.7T)
Sectorsize: 512
Stripesize: 4096
Stripeoffset: 0
Mode: r3w3e6
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada0
=> 34 5860533101 ada0 GPT (2.7T)
34 6 - free - (3.0K)
40 128 1 freebsd-boot (64K)
168 5853151096 2 freebsd-ufs (2.7T)
5853151264 7381870 3 freebsd-swap (3.5G)
5860533134 1 - free - (512B)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada2
=> 34 5860533101 ada2 GPT (2.7T)
34 6 - free - (3.0K)
40 128 1 freebsd-boot (64K)
168 5853151096 2 freebsd-ufs (2.7T)
5853151264 7381870 3 freebsd-swap (3.5G)
5860533134 1 - free - (512B)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
gpart: No such geom: ada1.
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart create -s gpt /dev/ada1
ada1 created
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show /dev/ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 5860533101 - free - (2.7T)
- pmbr
- Proactive Master Boot Record
root@ns4:/home/hoge # ls -l /boot/pmbr
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 512 Jan 17 2014 /boot/pmbr
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr ada1
bootcode written to ada1
- MBR ツールによる破壊を防止するための疑似MBR情報+GPT起動コード
ls -l /boot/gptboot
gpart add -b 40 -s 128 -t freebsd-boot ada1
gpart bootcode -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1
- ada1 GPT 情報より freebsd-boot 領域のサイズは 128
- ログ
root@ns4:/home/hoge # ls -l /boot/gptboot
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 16231 Feb 21 22:02 /boot/gptboot
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 5860533101 - free - (2.7T)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # ls -l /boot/gptboot
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 16231 Feb 21 22:02 /boot/gptboot
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart add -b 40 -s 128 -t freebsd-boot ada1
ada1p1 added
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart bootcode -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1
partcode written to ada1p1
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 6 - free - (3.0K)
40 128 1 freebsd-boot (64K)
168 5860532967 - free - (2.7T)
gpart delete -i 1 ada1
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 6 - free - (3.0K)
40 5860533088 1 freebsd-boot (2.7T)
5860533128 7 - free - (3.5K)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart delete -i 1 ada1
ada1p1 deleted
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 5860533101 - free - (2.7T)
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 5853151096 ada1
gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 7381870 -a 2 ada1
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 5853151096 ada1
ada1p2 added
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 7381870 -a 2 ada1
ada1p3 added
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gpart show ada1
=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 6 - free - (3.0K)
40 128 1 freebsd-boot (64K)
168 5853151096 2 freebsd-ufs (2.7T)
5853151264 7381870 3 freebsd-swap (3.5G)
5860533134 1 - free - (512B)
- ada0 ada2 と同じパーティション情報を ada1 に作成した。
- gpart backup と gpart restore でパーティション情報を復旧するべき(要確認)
gpart show ada0
gpart show ada1
gpart show ada2
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror insert p1 /dev/ada1p1
gmirror: Not all disks connected.
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 DEGRADED ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror forget p1
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror insert p1 /dev/ada1p1
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror forget p3
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
- p3 が DEGRADED から COMPLETE に変わった。
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror insert p3 /dev/ada1p3
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 DEGRADED ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
ada1p3 (SYNCHRONIZING, 3%)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status p3
Name Status Components
mirror/p3 DEGRADED ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
ada1p3 (SYNCHRONIZING, 41%)
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status p3
Name Status Components
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
ada1p3 (ACTIVE)
> grep GEOM_MIRROR /var/log/messages
May 28 18:10:30 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p1: rebuilding provider ada1p1.
May 28 18:10:30 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p1: rebuilding provider ada1p1 finished.
May 28 18:28:14 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p3: rebuilding provider ada1p3.
May 28 18:29:11 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p3: rebuilding provider ada1p3 finished.
May 28 18:32:14 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p2: rebuilding provider ada1p2.
May 29 03:29:06 ns4 kernel: GEOM_MIRROR: Device p2: rebuilding provider ada1p2 finished.
root@ns4:/home/hoge # gmirror status
Name Status Components
mirror/p1 COMPLETE ada0p1 (ACTIVE)
ada2p1 (ACTIVE)
ada1p1 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p2 COMPLETE ada0p2 (ACTIVE)
ada2p2 (ACTIVE)
ada1p2 (ACTIVE)
mirror/p3 COMPLETE ada0p3 (ACTIVE)
ada2p3 (ACTIVE)
ada1p3 (ACTIVE)
- 3台のHDDを入れ替えて3台とも起動できることを確認する。
- shutdown
- HDD1-->HDD2-->HDD3-->HDD1
- 起動確認
- shutdown
- HDD1-->HDD2-->HDD3-->HDD1
- 起動確認
- shutdown
- HDD1-->HDD2-->HDD3-->HDD1
- 起動確認
- pmbr は正常か? bootcode は正常か?